Sudipta Kalita

I work with the dermal bones of Metoposaurid and Capitosaurid temnospondyl amphibians from the Late Triassic locality of South Western Poland. Additionally, I also conduct research on the long bones of living amphibians. My research is primarily concerned with osteological, microanatomical and histological analysis on vertebrate hard tissues that include the bones of amphibians. I mostly use polarised light microscopy and microCT scans of the osteological samples to carry out my research.

Research topics

  • Paleontological research on Temnospondyli amphibians

Consultation hours

  • 11:00-16:00 (Monday to Thursday)


  • Provided assistance with bone histology course
    conducted by Dr. Dorota Konietzko-Meier and Dr. Nicole Klein

Avatar Kalita

M.Sc. Sudipta Kalita


Meckenheimer Allee 176

53115 Bonn

Vertebrate, Paleoherpetology

Curriculum vitae

February 2023- Present: Paleontological research associate at Department of Paleontology, Insitute of Geosciences, University of Bonn.
Tasks: Histological research on Temnospondyli dermal bones, MicroCt scanning and analysis of lissamphibian long bones.
Employer- Dr. Dorota Konietzko-Meier, Dr. Nicole Klein

October 2022-January 2023: Ichtyology Research Assistant at ZFMK (Alexander Koenig Museum), Bonn.
Tasks: MicroCt Scanning and segementation of the musculoskeletal anatomy of the jaws of European Freshwater Fishes, Digitisation of European sh fauna.
Employer: P.D Dr. Fabian Herder

November 2021- September 2022: Paleontology Research Assistant at Department of Paleontology, Insitute of Geosciences, University of Bonn.
Tasks: Microanatomy research on Temnospondyli dermal bones.
Employer- Prof. Dr. Martin Sander

Selected publications

Kalita, S., Teschner, E. M., Sander, P. M., & Konietzko‐Meier, D. (2022). To be or not to be heavier: The role of dermal bones in the buoyancy of the Late Triassic temnospondyl amphibian Metoposaurus krasiejowensis. Journal of Anatomy, 241(6), 1459-1476.

Surmik, D., Słowiak-Morkovina, J., Szczygielski, T., Kamaszewski, M., Kalita, S., Teschner, E. M., ... & Konietzko-Meier, D. (2022). An insight into cancer palaeobiology: does the Mesozoic neoplasm support tissue organization eld theory of tumorigenesis?. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 22(1), 1-13.

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